dimanche 17 octobre 2010


Hi everyone,
I'm really sorry I couldn't be here today but my baby son fell sick (est tombé malade) and I had to stay (rester) with him.

Voici le script de ce qu'il dit:
No he didn’t know anything about how to reverse the curse but I decided it’s OK.
I was just over-reacting. It’s like you said, the chance of actually being a curse are none-existant.
Oh! That was weird, the elevator just stopped. Mother…?
Ok, No reason to panic
The light goes out
A small reason to panic. Hello?! There is no curse, curse….
The elevator moves
Alright, what do I do if the elevator falls? I think I’m supposed to jump in the air. No! Lay on the ground.
Vous vous télécharger la worksheet en cliquant ici: http://dl.free.fr/ayfwfjueC
I. Find this vocabulary
Une malediction:______________ Exaggérer:______________
C’est bizarre:________________Paniquer:________________
Un ascenseur :______________S’allonger par terre :_________
II. Questions :
1. Who was Castle calling ?____________________
2. What was he talking about ?___________________
3. Did he believe in the curse?(quote)______________________
4. Why did he panic? (3 reasons)_________________________

III. Make a summary using the past tense

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